Men Skin Care For The Summer

Just like women, men are also very concerned about their physical appearances, most especially the condition of their skin. Some say that only the females are the ones who usually go crazy about various beauty and skin care treatments and products. In fact, the modern men are as vain as the women, for they are also prone to develop skin complications. Their skin problems, just like in women, are due to a number of environmental and biological factors. For instance, men's skin becomes oiler during the summer season. The reason for this is that the moisture in their skin rises [...]

2019-05-24T10:31:31-04:00By |Men Skincare, Skin Care|

Summer Skin Care Tips For Radiant Skin

When warm weather arrives, it's only natural to want to get out and enjoy the sun's glorious rays. But as much as we love the look of sun-kissed skin, it's also important to protect your skin to keep it looking healthy and youthful. Take into consideration the following skin care tips and you will be well on your way to enjoying all that summer has to offer. * Make sun protection part of your daily routine. It's one of the best long-term investments you'll ever make. UVA rays are strong year-round and UVB rays are more intense during mid-day, [...]

2019-05-24T10:37:46-04:00By |Combination, Dry, Oily, Sensitive, Skin Care|
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